Monday, November 5, 2012

The One World School House

If you have been following the social media loops, you will know that Salman Khan, has stirred up quite a bit of controversy with his new book, "The One World School House--Education Re-imagined".
This book is sure to make you think differently about the conventional way we go about education.

Khan says that active learning, owned learning, begins with giving each student the freedom to determine where and when the learning will occur. It's a case of one-size-fits-few. Isn't this our preference still, as adults?

What level of application and understanding should we expect from our students? Do we encourage our students to go farther and deeper in their learning? Does learning start and stop at the bell? If you give students the opportunity to learn deeply and to see the magic of the universe around them, almost everyone will be motivated.

I encourage all of you to focus on the connections and the continuity among concepts across all subjects. 
PLC challenge! Lessons aimed at interrelated concepts, would match the way our brains are actually wired, and would prepare our students to function in a complex world where good longer is.

Our world...and North HS...needs bold thinking and innovative approaches. I lean on you...for new ideas!
Have a great week Northstars! Innovate....challenge the status quo...and ask what we are providing, the most high-quality education our students need and want?

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