Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Midwest Google Apps Summit

I just spent 2 days at the Midwest Google Apps Summit (#mwgs for our Twitter friends) with an amazing group of innovative educators! I was feeling pretty good the first day. I learned just enough new information to feel empowered and ready to do some damage. Day two, after the third session mid-day, I had hit the Google wall and was sitting in sessions with a glazed look that had overcome my mind and body and my head was swimming!

I have included the link below to the summit website with all the presentation topics. Let me warn you, you could spend months looking at all of this, but there are some outstanding resources that I wanted to share with you.


I will end with a quote from Lou Holtz here, "If you are bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things- you don't have enough goals".  Burning Google desire...

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