Friday, April 12, 2013

SLO's...Student Learning Outcomes

One of the many things I did this week, was attend a state session on the new Educator Effectiveness process. I am pretty thick into the Professional Practice piece as I have piloted the process with three teachers this school year. I am also using Danielson's domains and rubrics as part of my feedback for all teachers on the supervision and evaluation cycle. Part of the expected evaluation process for 2014 includes teachers and teams establishing student learning outcomes. The concept is basically SMART goals for everyone.

I have started to prepare the Waukesha North High School staff for these new measurements by having them come up with PLC SMART goals this year. Where I believe we currently lack fidelity is in the old adage "what gets measured gets done". Our administrative team has not monitored the SMART goals at the mid-checkpoint and I am not sure that my teachers have monitored themselves in this area?

So, what does this all mean?

These SLO's should include a measurable baseline, a measurable target, a specific time frame, specificity about what is being assessed, specificity about the method of assessment, and focus areas.
There is a rubric that will measure whether or not you have met expectations for student growth in your SLO. Does your evidence indicate substantial growth for most of your targeted student population? Have you fully achieved the expectations described in the SLO and demonstrated notable impact on student learning?

As full implementation of the Educator Effectiveness model is required in 2014, we need to practice and reflect NOW on how this will happen.

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